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Action 10 Ideas 

Welcome to my ideas page.   I decided to action 10 ideas this year.  Instead of just having so many ideas and no form, i wanted to show my son there is more to the world than Perth and give him some insight into the changes to technology thatare coming, whilst trying o prepare him for the future i cant even imagine.

10 dots of thoughtds dirfting off a cart

Action 10 Ideas

I've always had so many ideas, i heard someone say, don't wait to perfect your one perfect idea, or one that you like the most, at leas tone of your first few will fail, action 10.

and here we are.


Art in Pieces

During the festive Christmas break, my son and I embarked on a creative journey to transform our art into captivating puzzles. Along the way, I embraced the opportunity to learn about the fascinating world of evolving AI. I’m thrilled to share that I successfully built a vibrant website where I can showcase and sell these unique puzzles, primarily for my own enjoyment!

Boxes of Thoughts

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Kids Global Wisdom

Digital Purpose Pledge

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Kids Global Wisdom

Ask Your Elders

The most important time capsule of mankind.... capturing the stories from those who were kids technology.

Wise in Time Freeze

Leela oracle cards and board game of lif

72 Shade of Leela

The Ancient Game of Self Knowledge


The Story of the Travelling Puzzle

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Kids Global Wisdom

Youth Technology Advocacy


Providing the next generation, at a young age, a voic to shape the way technology forms their future. Aimed at opening channels gfor primary age children to provide opionion and be included in consultation processes in regards to laws, guidelines and the way in which technology is presented to them in their day to day  lives.

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Serpents, Slides, Lessons and Lies

A modern take on the forgotten origins of  snakes and ladders 

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